Konexio is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by vulnerable groups, particularly refugees, women, and youth, through digital access and education. Founded to bridge the digital divide and foster sustainable socio-economic growth, Konexio’s mission is to empower underserved communities by equipping them with the digital skills needed to thrive in today’s labor market.
In Africa, Konexio plays a crucial role in poverty alleviation through digital inclusion. Their programs are community-driven, involving local partners and participants in design and implementation to ensure relevance and effectiveness. In Kenya, 90% of refugees earn less than $1 a day and are not permitted to work outside the camps. Since inception, Konexio has successfully trained over 450 individuals in refugee camps in Kenya and Malawi; 66% of whom are women and 90% under age 30. Konexio’s programs have indirectly benefited more than 3,000 community members.
UNFCU Foundation’s grant will empower 60 young refugee women in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp. Through digital skills training, the program will also positively impact 420 indirect beneficiaries. UNFCU Foundation’s grant will specifically support training for trainers, student recruitment, cohort training, graduation and employment support, as well as impact evaluation.
Learn more about Konexio